Change, Rebuilding & the Tapanzee Bridge
It’s a new sunrise, in total disguise. Even the great forces of the universe show up in contrast to themselves over the course of their journey. I am crossing my favorite bridge. The dark sky and rain cast an image of gloom that I am challenged to look beyond. I permit myself a moment to dissolve my thoughts and feel the freedom that these particular coordinates always offer to me. They are rebuilding it. The bridge. It’s a long process and will take time though I see so much progress each time I drive over it. I am on the fence about my feelings. Part of me is apprehensive about doing away with something that is so familiar and comfortable. The knowing that this connector will and always has brought me to a place of peace is being replaced with an unknown. As I evaluate the progress I have to trust the stronger foundation that is unfolding. The memory of my bridge cannot be replaced. A similar, stronger foundation will still get me to where I need to be, perhaps with a little more security and a little more stability. It may take me some time to trust this new bridge, though the time that it’s taking for this change to take place is meant to unfold in its perfect time. Little by slowly, with patience and precision, perhaps so that the newness doesn’t appear too abruptly, sending the senses into shock. It’s providing me with incremental adjustments so that I am able and change along with it at a pace I can adapt to.