Category: Uncategorized
My Thriving Plant
May 12, 2018
My plant is thriving. Nearly 3 years later. The plant had been given to me by my 2 closest friends. They were (still are) married to each other. They were my anchors in my greatest times of need. The plant was a gesture of kind wishes as my marriage came to a close and my […]
Take Action or Surrender (Which is it?)
September 21, 2017
I have this mild debate with my friend Bonnie from time to time. The conversation is so respectful that if you weren’t really paying attention, you probably would never notice it was a debate. I was thinking about it right before I received and read a quote from Abraham Hicks. “Your action has nothing to do […]
The Queen and the Pawn
May 24, 2017
I was playing chess with Caleb the other day. It’s been a while. I had to brush up on some rules and we helped each other along the way. I studied the players; their power; their worth. What has stuck with me over the last few days is Caleb’s question: “Isn’t it possible to get […]
Beyond My Comfort Zone
April 26, 2017
It’s amazing what happens to my body and mind when I wade through the waves of something I am uncomfortable doing. I am self-trained at avoiding conflict at all costs. Putting up my hands to defend myself when I could just suck up the punches is a foreign arena. It numbs me and distorts my […]
Obligation v. Spirit
September 11, 2016
I am choosing my spirit over obligation. It took a long time to decide this because I was of the mindset that I could fulfill both my promise to stay in my marriage and preserve my spirit. When the sacrifice poisoned more of my spirit than it promoted, I battled to sync the two. It […]
Letting Them Grow
September 5, 2016
I walked into the restroom at the rest stop on the New Jersey Turnpike on my way down to Temple University so I can hold my daughter, Dreya’s, hand at the age of 18 when she got her wisdom tooth extracted. There was a little platinum blonde girl (as Dreya had been) at the sink washing […]
The Perfect Brokenness of a Sand Dollar
August 12, 2016
One of my great joys when I am walking on the beach is to look for natural treasures. I feel like I have hit the jackpot if I find a whole and perfect looking sand dollar. Perhaps it’s the calming bisque color, each uniquely stamped, containing similarities with enough distinctions to exhibit ones individuality from the next one that sparks my […]
Questioning Commitment and Truth
August 8, 2016
I walk into a long overdue yoga class after weeks and days of feeling overwhelmed by my life. I have not been to a 12-step meeting in a long time either. Emotional and spiritual practice: Fail. Nor have I blogged. My sponsor poses the question as to why I think that is. I want to ignore the question […]
May 26, 2016
“I, friend, do not reject the present moment to pursue what time will bring. I reject what time will bring to pursue the present moment.” -Sammidhi, (Deciple of the Buddha) The thing about progress is that it never equates to flipping a switch. Often times I know where I want to be. My experience […]
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