Tag: harmony
Swimming to Feel Free and Connected
May 1, 2016
Sometimes, like today, I think that swimming is the experience that brings me the closest to feeling connected with the universe especially when it involves open water. For just a time, I am part of this indescribable whole. The water, in an endless entity all it’s own has welcomed me in, keeping me afloat and permitting […]
The Culebra Star Sky
April 27, 2016
I don’t know if stars dance though I am convinced that they are dancing tonight. I don’t recall the last time, if ever, seeing a sky so full of magic. I am sitting on my friend’s back porch in Culebra, PR where the passion is taking place. Coqui’s, and crickets and about a dozen other […]
Heart Lake, Lake Placid, NY
April 12, 2016
The quiet. Aligned in a grace that overwhelms my senses. At peace. With the thought of a nature I may have never known. A world that exists beyond my awareness, though exists harmoniously, just the same. I feel safe. Taken care of. Trusting my source, if just for the moment. I pause to feel my existence. […]
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