Lost and Found in the Arboretum
As I literally walk the paths in Arnold Arboretum in Roslindale, MA, I relate it so easily to the path of my life. Incredible contrast and changing leaves. Intertwined with fewer constants that will stay green for the season. I climb and descend making choices on which way to go. I can notice and allow the beauty to penetrate my soul or I can walk quickly with my head down disconnected to what is being offered. When I am in an unfamiliar section (I have not been in this physical place before) I can trust that this path will get me to where I need to be. Sometimes something unexpected and beautiful happens like a blue sky presenting itself against the red and the yellow leaves. Or a pine tree with yellow needles. Or 3 morning doves p
erched on the branch high above prompting my curiosity and helping me to remember that the physical absence of one does not ever mean that their energy can ever truly be gone. Most often there are gifts like a bridge crossing a brook or a rock wall lining a rhododendron trail. Sometimes there are reminders that we play a part and have the power to change or contribute to what is laid before us like when I smell the exhaust from a tractor or see some out of place trash. Sometimes when I feel lost and alone I remind myself that’s not really possible by taking a deeper breath, opening my eyes a little wider, looking around and then knowing within. And when there is doubt I start to climb a little bit higher, very slowly, sometimes short of breath, until I get to a place where I can see a little clearer and allow the trail that has been laid here long before I have been here to guide me to where I need to be one gentle step at a time. Though I realize that this next path is unfamiliar, it’s beautiful! Sometimes there’s an obstacle and I am detoured off the path. It’s a little rockier and more unsettled. It isn’t too long before I get back on track, however. I see a sign. Not because I am desperately looking though just because it came at a time when I was minding my own business and able to let it guide me. There is comfort in knowing that I can ask for help if I need assistance in find
ing my way. For now I decide to just trust. I am not going back the same way I came though will end up with the same spirit I began with a little bit fuller; a little bit freer. I have found my way. I’ve noticed and opened up to things I haven’t previously been aware of before or never would have if I didn’t leave my shield at the entry gate. My desire is to walk right past that shield when I exit ready for my next experience a little lighter, a little more open. If it means I’m a little more exposed (vulnerable), so be it. Trusting and accepting the universe unveiling before me really is worth getting out of my own way for.