Category: Adult Children
Inner Truth Trumps Fear, Every Time
April 3, 2017
I have become entranced by the propeller that sits idle just outside my window. It works its way into a crescendo rotating into a magical Spin Art image that brings me back to a memory of my son at the age of 6; squeezing paint in different colors onto a spinning cardboard canvas. I am […]
Letting Them Grow
September 5, 2016
I walked into the restroom at the rest stop on the New Jersey Turnpike on my way down to Temple University so I can hold my daughter, Dreya’s, hand at the age of 18 when she got her wisdom tooth extracted. There was a little platinum blonde girl (as Dreya had been) at the sink washing […]
Leaping and Feeling the Pain
May 4, 2016
As I drive up to mom,s condo I sense the denial of what inevitably is to come and tears simply start to flow. As it has been, I make my way through the front door and feel numb. I want to numb more. I collapse on the bathroom floor, a grown woman feeling like a child. I […]
The Swan Picture from Moms
April 19, 2016
When my mom passed away and my siblings and nieces and nephews and children and I were talking about things that we wanted to keep of hers all I could think was that I wanted nothing more. I had so much already. She was such a big part of my life as well as my […]
Using a Cold Pile of Snow to Feel
April 18, 2016
It’s just taken over me. An intense shot of adrenaline stepped into my wake and created waves of my emotions. They are screaming “pay attention, don’t you see you’re avoiding me?” It is the voice of my almost-adult challenging my troubled child to to face the unpleasant feelings. (Okay, maybe it’s more like anxiety or fear though adrenaline sounds so […]
I Love Being My Father’s Daughter… (Curiosity Never Gets Old)
March 30, 2016
Curiosity Never Gets Old I love being my fathers daughter. I have had the opportunity to “vacation” with him over the past few days and as strong as his personality is, I am in a place where I can key in on what his gifts are and disengage from what may have unraveled me in […]
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