Category: Universe
Three Angry Birds
March 15, 2018
I often look to nature for symbolism and answers when I am internally conflicted. Internal conflict amounts to confusion, frustration, anger, fog, and a host of other uncertainties that I am not fond of. Birds often provide me with some clarity and a shot at detangling the message if I am able to get to […]
Take Action or Surrender (Which is it?)
September 21, 2017
I have this mild debate with my friend Bonnie from time to time. The conversation is so respectful that if you weren’t really paying attention, you probably would never notice it was a debate. I was thinking about it right before I received and read a quote from Abraham Hicks. “Your action has nothing to do […]
Inner Truth Trumps Fear, Every Time
April 3, 2017
I have become entranced by the propeller that sits idle just outside my window. It works its way into a crescendo rotating into a magical Spin Art image that brings me back to a memory of my son at the age of 6; squeezing paint in different colors onto a spinning cardboard canvas. I am […]
Obligation v. Spirit
September 11, 2016
I am choosing my spirit over obligation. It took a long time to decide this because I was of the mindset that I could fulfill both my promise to stay in my marriage and preserve my spirit. When the sacrifice poisoned more of my spirit than it promoted, I battled to sync the two. It […]
“Enlightenment is Imminent” (In the Spirit of the Hawk)
September 5, 2016
I get to feel out loud when I write. It qualifies what is inside and makes it more real. Accountable, vulnerable, exposed and real. Why not? If judgments are coming my way they are coming whether I expose my humanness or not. They are coming whether they are accurately evaluated; or not. Putting myself out there […]
Questioning Commitment and Truth
August 8, 2016
I walk into a long overdue yoga class after weeks and days of feeling overwhelmed by my life. I have not been to a 12-step meeting in a long time either. Emotional and spiritual practice: Fail. Nor have I blogged. My sponsor poses the question as to why I think that is. I want to ignore the question […]
May 26, 2016
“I, friend, do not reject the present moment to pursue what time will bring. I reject what time will bring to pursue the present moment.” -Sammidhi, (Deciple of the Buddha) The thing about progress is that it never equates to flipping a switch. Often times I know where I want to be. My experience […]
Gray Skies at Gardiner
May 17, 2016
Sunrise today is not how it’s been. Two minutes past and the sky is gray; not bright and colorful as I’ve been experiencing so often. This sky-scape captures it’s own magnificent beauty. I am appreciative of the feeling it has to offer. I love that I would not normally interpret this moment as beautiful though […]
The Magical Smell of Birth!
May 3, 2016
I love the smell of birth! It’s been over 9 years since I delivered my last child and I can still, when I close my eyes, bring the smell to my senses. There’s nothing sweet or fragrant about it. However, it’s the only thing that smells like it. I have had the amazing fortune of birthing […]
Swimming to Feel Free and Connected
May 1, 2016
Sometimes, like today, I think that swimming is the experience that brings me the closest to feeling connected with the universe especially when it involves open water. For just a time, I am part of this indescribable whole. The water, in an endless entity all it’s own has welcomed me in, keeping me afloat and permitting […]
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